An Abundant Harvest

Happy Father’s Day to all you fathers out there.  Thanks to all who have sent me a Father’s Day card.

     I like to give new life to old things. When we first got the parish house, there was an old, dilapidated greenhouse out back. It was made from a lot of those old single-pane windows that the U.S. Army gave away back in 1978 when the renovated the barracks on Ft. Rich. It looked to be about that old. The previous owners had been using it to store wood. Many of the panes were broken and the roof panels had holes. But the guts are good, so I decided to revive it. Why? Because I also like to grow tomatoes, and you can only grow tomatoes in Alaska in a greenhouse. I seem to be fairly good at it. 

       The project is taking longer than I had hoped, mainly because I can’t find a contractor willing to pour the footer and slab I need. Too small a project I guess. Nevertheless, by summer’s end, I am determined that it will be complete. I may have to get creative.

       This may seem like a lot of work just for a few dozen tomatoes, and it is. But to me, it’s worth it. There’s just something special about planting the seeds, watching them grow, and harvesting the fruits in due time.

       I think that is a lot like what is going on in today’s gospel as Jesus gives the Twelve a pep talk before sending them out. They have been with him for a while.  Now it is time to send them on a little mission so they can grow in their faith and confidence as his disciples. Notice he gives them authority and sends them out to do exactly what he has been doing: proclaiming the Kingdom, healing the sick, casting out demons. Cool.

       As a parish family, we are called to do the same thing. Within the believing community, we plant the seeds of faith, we help each other discern the gifts that we have been given, we call those gifts forth, train to give competence, give authority to use those gifts in the various parish ministries that serve the parish and the community around us, and then we have a big party every Sunday and at the end of the year to give thanks to God and to each other for the gifts of time, talent, and treasure that have helped our little part of the Kingdom to bear fruit.

       From time to time, we also call forth young men and women to serve the Church as holy priests, deacons and consecrated religious. It is essential that we do so to fulfill our mission.

       I’d like to concentrate on the way that we call young men to the Holy Priesthood for a moment, because this is the most pressing need at present.

       Where do vocations to the priesthood come from? What are the conditions in which the seeds of a vocation can thrive and grow? 

       1. Prayer. As individuals and as a parish family we need to pray for vocations. 

       They did a study a few years ago on the parishes that seemed to be hotbeds of vocations to see what they had in common.  Their findings were interesting. Demographics did not matter. It did not matter whether the parish was wealthy or poor, culturally or ethnically homogenous or diverse, urban or rural. 

       The only common denominator in parishes that produced lots of vocations to the priesthood was…

       …regular Eucharistic adoration.  

       2.  So, we need to pray for vocations, and we need to encourage vocations…but where?  How?   

       a.  At home – especially fathers

       Mom and Dad, you want your sons to be happy. You want what’s best for them. Dad’s, you have a special role in that. 

       If Christ is calling them to priesthood, what a blessing if you support that.

       Let me tell you what I mean. When I was 24, I had been working as a program manager for Junior Achievement, but in the background I had been discerning a vocation to the priesthood. There was no small amount of inner turmoil and self-doubt.

       One of my main concerns was how to tell my dad.

You want your dad to be proud of you.  I wasn’t sure how he would react.  So I scripted out every argument in my head:

       “If he says, this, I will counter with that. If he says that, I will counter with this.”  Eventually, I had it all worked out in my head.  All I needed was the right opportunity.

       I did not have to wait long.  A week or two later, my dad calls me up and said, “Hey, your mother is out of town this week, why don’t you come on by for dinner.”

       Thank you, Holy Spirit.

       We had a great dinner grilling steaks and eating huge football-sized baked potatoes.

       Then he says, “Hey, why don’t we have some brandy and cigars out in the living room.”

       Hey, cool!  We never got to have cigars in the living room when Mom was home. So, there we sat chatting away with our brandy and cigars, with a big fire going in the fireplace.

       So I said to myself, “Self!  No time like the present.”

       But before I could say anything, my dad looks at me and says, “Leo, you’ve been working that job at JA for some a couple of years now, and we both know that’s not what you are going to be doing forever. So I ask you, what are you thinking of doing with your life?”

       Gee, thank you Holy Spirit.

       I paused for a moment and then said to him, “Well, Dad, to be honest, I think I want to become a priest.”

       He paused for a moment, had a sip of brandy and took a puff off his cigar, looked me right in the eye, and then said,

       “Well…be a good one.”

To this day, that is the best gift I have ever received from my father.

       b. We encourage vocations at home, we also need to encourage vocations as a parish family.

       The early Church did not have a shortage of vocations crisis. Why?  Because it was the parish that called them forth from the congregation. 

       Your vocation was not primarily some inner prompting from the Holy Spirit. It came from the people around you.

       The community gathered, prayed, and then discerned who among them had the gifts necessary and then called them forth for ministry. 

       It’s interesting to note that the premise of John Chrysostom’s great treatise on the Holy Priesthood is that he and his friend Bartholomeus are hiding, because they have been called by the local church to be priests. The tract takes the form of a Greek dialogue where John is convincing his friend that he needs to come out of hiding and embrace his vocation. 

       I makes me wonder…what would happen if we did something similar here…

       We are not at that point, but I will say that if you see a young man in the parish who you think has the gifts, take him aside and say to him, “You know, I see the gifts in you that would make a good priest. Have you thought about it?  Please do. I’m going to be praying for you.

       I guarantee you, if you can see it, they have been thinking about it. 

       And it might not be who you would expect at first glance.

       We all have a role to play. We all have gifts to offer to further the spread of the Gospel and the salvation of souls here in 99504.  As a parish family, one of the best things we do is plant the seeds of faith, water them with our prayers and faith.  It’s up to the Holy Trinity to take it from there.

       We plant the seeds, the Father gives the growth, the Son gives the commission, the Spirit gives power of God’s love. This is how we yield an abundant harvest.            

Ask Fr. Leo – Do all Dogs Go to Heaven?

Some of the simplest questions can lead to the most profound theological investigations.  Below are a few of them that I have received over the last few months.

Dear Fr. Leo, 

Will I see my dog in heaven? – M

Dear M.,

          Roy Rogers once famously quipped, “If dogs don’t go to heaven, when I die, I want to go where they went!” Not a bad thought, but to help answer this question, I like to invoke the theological principle: “Lex orandi, lex credendi.”  Literally, “the law of praying is the law of believing,” or more colloquially, “As the Church prays, so she believes.”  To this end, I would direct your attention to the Eucharistic Prayer IV. It’s one of my favorites, but it doesn’t get a lot of use, unfortunately. The beauty of the fourth Eucharistic Prayer is its sweeping catechesis of salvation history, from the first moments of creation, through the people of Israel, to the coming of the Christ, to His passion, death and resurrection, to the foundation of the Church at Pentecost, all the way up to the final judgment at the end of the age when as we read in the Book of Revelation, there will be “a new heaven and a new earth.” (Rev. 21:1) In Latin, the Eucharistic Prayer IV refers to our entry into the Kingdom of Heaven with Mary and all the saints, “There, with the whole of creation, (ubi cum univérsa creatúra) freed from the corruption of sin and death, may we glorify you…”  I’m not sure about you, but for me, the whole of creation includes all of creation, not just some of it. This would necessarily include dogs and all other creatures. 

          There is also an argument to made from the famous maxim of St. Thomas Aquinas: “That which is received, is received according to the mode of the one who receives it. (Quidquid recipitur ad modum recipientis recipitur.) Thomas presupposes a hierarchy of being with the Holy Trinity at the top, then created beings such as the Blessed Mother, the angelic beings, human beings, animals, plants, rocks, and so forth.  Since the Kingdom of Heaven is primarily about relationships, namely communion, then any given creature’s participation in that Kingdom could be contingent on its ability to relate to other beings. The Trinity, of course, is relationship itself. Then follows the rest of us according to our nature in the order I just described. We human beings relate to God and to one another according to our nature. Likewise, anyone who has spent any time with dogs knows that they are too are social beings, albeit they relate to others according to their canine nature.  So, you could make a case for dogs in heaven based on their ability to enter into relationship according to their nature. The presence of cats in heaven, based on this same criteria, is still a matter of theological speculation.

Dear Fr. Leo,

          How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?  – L

Dear L:

          That depends. Do you mean with the four-piece jazz ensemble or with the full Big Band orchestra? 

          This was actually a question asked by the Scholastics in the Middle Ages, primarily as a rhetorical exercise, but it does lead to some fun things. The question as stated is a bit cumbersome because it fails to consider the nature of angelic beings. Unlike human beings, who have a physical body and a spiritual soul, angels are purely spiritual beings. They don’t have a physical body. As such, they don’t take up any physical space.  So, the answer to the question could just as easily be “All of them.” or “None of them.” 

          But let’s take things one step further. If angels don’t have a physical body, but humans do, what are the implications for us in God’s plan of salvation? There is an attractive myth out there in popular literature that when we humans die, if we have lived a good life, we become angels. That’s a nice thought, but that’s not how it works.

          As human beings, we have a body and a soul. In God’s plan of salvation, we don’t metamorphose into something that we are not. Rather, we become fully what God has created us to be, body and soul.  We become perfectly human.

          What’s the process by which this takes place?  The resurrection of body at the end of the age. We know this because of the resurrection of Christ. Remember, Christ was fully human as well as fully divine. He didn’t simply shed his human nature and its physical body when his mission of salvation on earth was done.  Rather, God raised up his mortal body.  The Risen Christ is humanity perfected. That is what awaits us if we remain in communion with him. As St. Augustine said, “The joy of God, is the human person fully alive.”  For us humans, that means “the resurrection of the body and the life of the world to come.”

God is my copilot?! I think not!

Happy Trinity Sunday, as Dcn. Mick and Deacons John reminded us, this is the third of four major celebrations, the Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, and Corpus Christi. 

As many of you may have realized, I gave the staff the last week off. Then I decided, heck, why don’t I give myself the week off too!  So, I did.  Joy and I loaded up in the little airplane and flew across the Inlet to my little cabin at Alexander Creek to spend a few days. 

Joy is good little flyer.  She did not like the airplane at first but now that she is familiar with how it works, she doesn’t mind at all.  In fact, I’ve even begun to train her on how to keep us on course in the straight and level. That way I can take a little nap. She’s quite good at it. Indeed, DOG is my copilot!

Speaking of traveling, did you catch what is going on between Moses and the Lord.

       Is it me, or does Moses’ request seem a bit odd? He asks, “If I find favor with you, O Lord, do come along in our company.”

       At first glance, it seems like a fair request. Who wouldn’t want God as a traveling companion, whether you are journeying through the desert or journeying through life?   Why wouldn’t you want God as your copilot?

But think about it for a minute.  What’s wrong with this picture…

       Wouldn’t it be better to for one to want to go along in God’s company?!

       I’m reminded of what Abraham Lincoln said once when someone in the crowd said that it was good that God was on their side. Mr. Lincoln looked at the man and replied, “Rather, my dear friend, let us hope that we are on God’s side.” 

There is wisdom in Mr. Lincoln’s response.

       Like the Israelites, we can become a stiff-necked people. They are wandering the desert, headed this way and that, and they want God to come along in their company. They’ve got it backwards.   

       Yet we sometimes do the same thing. How often we go about our lives, doing our own thing, making our own decisions and expecting God to simply come along for the ride and perhaps bless this wonderful mess we have made for ourselves.

       How easy it is to pray, “MY will be done,” instead of “THY will be done.” 

       We need to let God be in charge. God knows what is best for us. 

       Rather, let us pray, “Lord, help me to want what you want for me.”

Simply put: If God is your copilot, you are in the wrong seat! 

       It is not a bad thing to want God to come along in our company, but how much better that we should go along in God’s company!

Because THAT is the invitation that is offered to us. Nothing less than to share in the very life of God.

       Today we celebrate Trinity Sunday, the sacred notion that our God is a Trinity of persons in perfect, co-eternal communion. The Father loving the Son, the Son loving the Father, and that co-eternal relationship between the two of them, the Holy Spirit, so powerful that it radiates out like the warmth of a great fire. Our God is perfectly united being. Our God is relationship itself.

       Like any other relationship, we can be invited to share in it. God is very jovial and invites us to come along in his company.

It happens at our baptism.  We are called and invited by name to share in the very relationship that is God.

It happens at our confirmation, when we are invited to

share in the fullness of that relationship, with all of its gifts, and fruits and charisms.

It happens most especially here in the Eucharist, as we gather, share the Word, break the bread, and commune with God and one another before we are sent into the world to tell the good news.

It happens in the confessional, when we acknowledge that we have sinned against the relationship with God and with others, either injuring or severing the bond of Holy Communion.  Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit, power of God’s love, is more powerful than any sin we may have committed, and we are healed.

It happens when our body lies in sickness, or infirm with age, when the Holy Spirit is there to help us in our need, to strengthen us in mind, body and spirit.  It happens when we are called by God to Holy Orders or consecrated life when we are called to share in the love of the Trinity, and give our life in singular devotion to Christ and his Church.

It happens in Holy Matrimony when we are called to share our lives with another in perfect imitation of the love of Christ for his spouse, and thus build up the Church and transform the world. 

This is the life and the love into which we have been invited to share. To LIVE a life with purpose and meaning, invited into and proclaiming to all we meet, by what we say,

       but more importantly, by what we do, the LOVE of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. It is at once too much and never enough. It is infinitely ancient and eternally new. 

This is the life to which the Christian is called.  This is the love into which we are welcomed.  It is all that we could ask for and more than we can imagine.  It is beyond our greatest desires and more powerful than our worst mistakes. 

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believe sin him might not perish, but have eternal life. (Jn 3:16)

This is the invitation of grace, to share in the very life of and love God and to partake of the very mystery of such a perfect communion

from now unto eternity.

Emmaus Revisited – Third Sunday of Easter

[Hey, Church fans! Until Microsoft fixes their stupid video editing program, there will be no embedded more videos. You can catch the vid of the homily off the Livestream at The text is below.]

       Sometimes, we don’t pick up on the subtle cues and can miss what is going on right in front of us.  Here’s a good example:

     I did a lot of downhill skiing as a kid.  Every Saturday morning, Dad would load all of us eight kids in the in rig and we would head up to Arctic Valley. Mom would always stand on the porch and wave to us as we drove away for a day of fun on the slopes. I always thought it was sad that she never got to come along with us. It wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I finally figured out what was really going on. Dad was giving her a break by getting us all out of the house! Who’d have thought?

       I get the impression that a similar thing was going on with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. I’m not saying that they were not bright, just that they were preoccupied. So much so that they didn’t really pick up on what was really going on for some time.

       We can forgive them for this. Their entire world had just been rocked.  All their hopes and dreams had died on the Cross with Jesus. They just wanted to get away. Emmaus was about a two and a half hour walk from Jerusalem.  Can you imagine their conversation along the way?  Then this strange guy shows up and walks with them. 

       I’ve written before on an old blog post about how this whole experience between Jesus and the two disciples on is a really good description of the Mass. You can see that at:

Think about it. What happens at Mass?

       We gather.

       We share our stories.

       We break the bread.

       And we are sent.

In liturgy speak, these are called the        Gathering/Introductory Rites.

       The Liturgy of the Word

       The Liturgy of the Eucharist, and

       The Dismissal or Sending Forth.

Let’s take a look at each of these:

Step I:  We gather.  The Introductory Rites

       Those who have been to one of my slow Masses can readily answer the question: When does Mass begin?  The answer is simple: When the second person shows up! Why? Because Jesus said: “where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst.”

       The Second Vatican Council in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Par. 7) is very clear. “When the people gather” Christ is present. 

       Here, on the Road to Emmaus, the two disciples are gathered. Of course, Jesus would be there with them.

Step II:  We share our stories. The Liturgy of the Word.

       I can’t help but think that the conversation with Jesus on the road had to be one of the most intense Liturgies of the Word in the history of Salvation.

       Here you have the Incarnate Word of God, explaining the word of God in the Sacred Scriptures. 

       Yeah, our hearts would be burning too.

       And I hope yours is today.

Again, the Council is very clear. “In the proclamation of the Word” Jesus is present.

Step III: We break the bread – The Liturgy of the Eucharist

       Luke tells us, “He took bread, said the blessing,
broke it, and gave it to them.”

       Does this sound slightly familiar?  It should. It is right out of the Third Eucharistic Prayer. (Actually, it is the source of these words in the Third Eucharistic Prayer.)

       The reference to the Eucharist at the table in Emmaus is unmistakable. This becomes even more evident when one learns that the early Church used the words “fractio panis” or the “breaking of the bread” as a codeword for the Eucharist.

       Again, the Council is unequivocal in their language, “(Christ) is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, not only in the person of His minister… but especially under the Eucharistic species” of bread and wine.

       As we know, the Eucharist is the source and summit of all what the Church is and does. Everything that we are and do leads to the Eucharist and everything that we are and do flows from the Eucharist.

       No wonder they recognized him “in the breaking of the bread.”

       Which makes me wonder…do we? 

       More importantly, what about others who wander in our church?   What is going on in their hearts and minds?

       Can they recognize him in our midst as we gather? In the way we treat each other?

       In the way we treat them?

       Are they welcomed? Do they feel like they may have a place here?

Are our hearts burning within us as the scriptures are proclaimed and explained?

       If not, then how can we expect their hearts to be burning within them?

       Finally, is he recognizable in the breaking of bread?

       And can they recognize him, the Risen Christ, as we do so? 

       I pray that it is so.

       At one time or another at Mass and in life, I think we are all like those two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Sometimes we get so wrapped up with our own situation that we miss what’s really going on.

       I pray that we are a parish family whose hearts are so on fire with the love of God that those encounter us

       Whether within these walls

              Or in our schools or in our neighborhoods

              Or in our places work, or in the public square

                      or in our homes…

       I pray that they would recognize him

The two disciples show us that what we experience here cannot, must not be contained within these walls.

       The dismissal is one of the most essential parts of the Mass,

       That’s why it is so short:

       “The Lord be with you.

       And with your spirit.

              May almighty God bless you…NOW GO! 

Grab a donut and go into that part of the world where God needs you most right now!

       Proclaim the Good News of the resurrection of Christ and the forgiveness of sins.

       May your every word and action echo those of those two disciples, saying in ways small or profound,  


       And how he was made known to you

              In the breaking of the bread.    

Gaudete Sunday – He Who is to Come

Hey, it’s Gaudete Sunday, where we take a break from the penance of the season and put on the ROSE (not pink) vestments.

    It reminds me of that fellow who was chatting with his neighbor.  He was saying that he was worried that he was getting forgetful, so he was taking a memory course.

    “That’s very interesting,” his friend says, “What kind of course is it?”

    “It’s associative,” he replies. “If I want to remember something I associate it with something else. That way I don’t forget it.”

    “That’s very interesting,” his neighbor says, “What’s the course called?”

    He stops for a moment and says, “I knew you were going to ask me that. Hold on, it’s like a flower, long stem, thorns, and a bud on the end.”

    “You mean a rose?”

    “Yeah…hey, Rose! What’s the name of that course I’m taking?”

    You laugh, but I’ve got my 40th high school class reunion coming up this summer…right in the middle of fishing season!

    But reunions are a great way to get reconnected with old classmates. 

    How many times has this happened to you?  It’s a few years out of school, and you run into someone from high school. You recognize each other. But the conversation goes like this…

    “So…it’s great to see you!  How are you doing? Yeah, I’m great.  Are you living around here?  Great….great…yeah, me too….yeah, great.

    And you keep stalling because you just can’t remember their name!!!

    It looks like John the Baptist is having a senior moment . In Chapter 3, at the Baptism of Jesus, there is the voice from the cloud that said, “This is my beloved Son…”  Now, here in Chapter 11, he doesn’t even seem to know who Jesus is. “Are you ‘he who is to come?’”  What’s up with that?

     Our clue, of course, is in Jesus’ reply to John’s messengers. The blind regaining their sight, the lame walking, lepers being cleansed, the deaf hearing, the dead being raised, the poor having the good news proclaimed to them…all these are definitive signs of the Messiah.  Jesus could simply answer them, “Yep, I’m the guy.”  Instead, he lets his actions do the talking.

     Just this past week I got a good lesson in the old adage: “People will seldom remember what you say, but they will never forget what you did and how you made them feel.”  So it was with Jesus.  So it should be for us.

    In the second part of today’s gospel passage there is a line that just leaps out at me, “…among those born of women there has been none greater than John the Baptist; yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”

    Sometimes we might feel like we are the least in the Kingdom.  It amazes me that Jesus would say that even at times like that, folks like us are greater than John the Baptist was at that time. 

    Still, it makes sense when you think about it for awhile. The Church firmly believes that all old testament prophecies were fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ.  John was the last and greatest prophet of the old covenant. He even preached its fulfillment in the person of Jesus and got to see Jesus with his own eyes. Even so, the new covenant of grace is of such a higher order that even the least of those of us who are baptized into Christ would be considered greater than John the Baptist.  Mind blown! 

    Gaudete Sunday is a day to rejoice. John saw the fulfillment of his hope in the person of Jesus and he leapt in the womb for joy. Advent calls us to rejoice that the fulfillment of our hope is near as we await the coming of the Lord in glory at the end of the age.

John the Baptist and Advent

John the Baptist and Advent

[The painting the church joke.] 

     John the Baptist just fascinates the heck out of me.  He is at once terrifying and compelling. Like that scene in the movie you just don’t want to see, yet you cannot look away, even as you squish yourself deeper and deeper into your see and cover your eyes. Why is this so?

       Let’s put him into context.  John was the last and the greatest of the prophets. To understand him, it’s important to understand what prophets were all about. First of all, it’s important to remember that while prophets prophesied, their primary vocation was not to tell the future. Rather, they were seen literally as the mouthpiece of God. God spoke through them. The kings and rulers of Israel were anointed by God through the prophets. (See 1Samuel 16 , 1-13.) The prosperity of the kingdom depended on fidelity to the Covenant.  Therefore, eccentric as prophets were, they had complete access to the halls of power. The primary role was to be the conscience of the nation, the voice of God calling the leaders and the people to fidelity to the Lord.

       Sometimes the leaders of the people were not faithful. At this point the prophets would chastise the leaders to amend their ways or, they prophesied, God’s people would face dire punishments. These punishments were imposed so that the leaders would reform their lives and society and return to the Lord. When they did, the prophets would prophesy great benefits for the people and the return of a true, just, and righteous king. As much as the leaders and the people may or may not have wanted to hear what the prophet had to say, their faith in God compelled them to listen to what God was saying through him.

       Now let’s fast forward to the setting of today’s gospel passage. 

It was a tough time for the Jews in the days of Jesus. Palestine had been under Roman occupation for several generations. Now the people were once again looking forward to deliverance, and the coming of a new Messiah who would establish the Kingdom of Israel once again. 

       Enter John the Baptist.

As the last and greatest prophet, John is doing what prophets do. He is announcing the coming of the ultimate Messiah, exhorting the nation to fidelity to the Lord. Thus, he urges the people to get their lives in order in preparation for his coming, especially the religious leaders – “to make straight the way of the Lord.”

John’s message to them is a good message for us this Advent. What are some of the ways we can “prepare the way of the Lord” in our homes and our hearts. We do so in two ways, practically and spiritually.     

Practically, I always advocate the “Advent Purge.” Get rid of all the physical clutter in your dwelling. Are there good coats you have not used in a year or two? Donate them to the warm clothing drive. Are there things that have been taking up space in your garage for years? Give them away or get rid of them! At the very least, clean out the junk drawer in the kitchen!

Next, get rid of all the spiritual clutter in your life. Start first with a good confession. We have several confessors coming the third week of Advent who have no idea who you are. What a great opportunity to avail yourself of the sacrament.

After that, take a good inventory of your time. Are there things that are stealing your time so that you don’t have time as a family or as an individual to pray? If so, it’s time to make adjustments, no excuses.

       Make no mistake, the Lord is coming again in glory, maybe even before Christmas. The time is short. We need to be ready. Now is a good time for a good practical and spiritual inventory. Let us prepare our parish, our homes and our hearts so that Christ may find us ready to welcome him when he comes.

Thy Kingdom Come – The Solemnity of Christ the King

Greetings, Superfriends! This week we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. That’s a pretty exalted title, but one that is well deserved. What does it mean to acknowledge that Christ has dominion over us, and especially our hearts? How does the Church show us that the Kingdom of God is quintessentially different from any earthly kingdom or authority? Each homily was a bit different this week, but the essentials are below. The video is from the 5:00 Vigil Mass.

Thy Kingdom Come – Vid from the 5:00 Vigil Mass

[The King Spud Joke.]     

     It is a very perplexing sort of juxtaposition. On the one hand we are celebrating the Solemnity of Our Lord Christ the King of the Universe. On the other hand, we have this gospel reading from Luke 23:35-43, where Jesus is hanging on the Cross and the good thief asks him to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. Jesus’ answer is “This day you will be with me in paradise.” 

       There’s a lot to unpack here.

       First of all, what does it mean to acknowledge Christ as King? This is difficult for us Americans because we got rid of our monarchy 246 years ago.  It helps to remember that a monarch had dominion. This means he had authority over the land and everything and everyone on it.  But he did not own it.  It was given to him by God to be placed under his care.  At his death a king would be judged on how the land and the people prospered materially, culturally and morally under his care.  He was a steward, not an owner. 

This feast was established relatively recently by Pope Pius XI in 1925. He did so to emphasize that, in the face of the rising secularism of our day, it is Christ who is sovereign over all creation, including every human person. The feast also has an eschatological dimension. At the end of the age, the Kingdom will be established in fullness and Christ shall reign supreme. This is why it is celebrated on the last day of Ordinary Time, on the threshold of Advent, when we contemplate the second coming of Christ in glory.

       Second, dying a brutal death by an incredibly cruel method of execution does not seem to be the way to establish the Kingdom. As we will see in May when Charles III is crowned King of England, it is usually done with great pomp and circumstance and lots of fancy clothes and shiny things. What was it about Jesus that allowed the thief on his right to see who Jesus really was, even in the midst of his own suffering? That is a faith that looks into eternity.  THAT’S the kind of faith that I want! 

       Third, Jesus’ answer to the thief lets us know that the Kingdom is not just some distant, future reality. It is something that we can experience “today.” This is cause for reflection. There is an immediacy to the Kingdom, its benefits, its responsibilities, and our role in helping it unfold in the present day.

       One thing is obvious. The Kingdom of God is very different from any kingdom on this earth. It bears none of the trappings of this world and thus transcends the vagaries of this world. So much so that even a dying, repentant thief could recognize the King of the Universe as he hung upon the Cross.

       What’s the key?  Quite simply, the Kingdom of God is not made of bricks or stone or pomp or circumstance or lots of shiny things.  It is made up of relationships. Relationships with God and with one another.

       Relationships are not rocket science.  If you want a relationship to grow, you give it two things.

       1. Time, and

       2. Attention

If you want your relations with Christ to grow,

       You give it time and attention

       Once again, I say, “If you cannot find ten minutes a day for private prayer with Our Lord, your life is out of control and you need to make adjustments…no excuses.”

If you want your relationship with your spouse, your family, your friends to grow

       You give it time and attention.

Very few relationships end because of conflict

       Conflict is simply a symptom.

Very many relationships die because of neglect.

     This coming year we are preparing for my 40th class reunion. Quite frankly, we are just amazed at how many of us are still alive.

       But here’s a good exercise.  Go back and pull out your high school yearbook from your senior year.

       Count how many people wrote in your book that you would always stay in touch. Think about how many times you wrote that in the yearbooks of others. 

       Where are those people now? 

Very few relationships end because of conflict

Very many relationships die because of neglect.

If you want a relationship to grow, give it time and attention.

If I was the Evil One, I would try to steal your time.

I would fill your life with so many good things.

Not bad things

Good things:

Career, responsibilities, hockey, soccer, volleyball, dance, video games, even volunteering…you name it, so that you would not have time to give attention to the essential relationships….to what really matters. 

The Kingdom of God is built of relationships

       In fact, we even describe it in terms of the most intimate relationship that we humans can have with one another,

We call it being in full communion

with God and with one another in the Church

In this holy communion, who I am is intimately joined at the very level of being with who God is

       And who you are as the body of Christ.

This is celebrated in the Eucharist as we celebrate and receive holy communion from this very altar.

       Virtue deepens this communion

       Sin injures or severs this communion

       Reconciliation restores this communion.

In the end, it is not our stuff that we take with us when we leave this earth

       It is the relationship we build while we are here

              Our communion with Christ and with one another.

This is our treasure in heaven.

It’s all about trajectory.

       And it begins now

              The Kingdom of God is close at hand

       Because you and I are close at hand.

Let us build these relationships with Christ and one another

while there is still time

So that we may say today and every day into eternity

       “Thy Kingdom come.”

Ask Fr. Leo – Is Advent a Penitential Season? Can I say “Merry Christmas” in Advent?

Dear Fr. Leo:

I always thought Advent was a season of prayerful preparation for Christmas, but our deacon said that Advent is also a penitential season. Is that why the color of Advent is purple?   – P

Dear P,

Thanks for the question. Advent is one of my favorite liturgical seasons. Personally, I find it a welcome respite and a spiritual refuge from the insanity that typifies the commercial “Holiday Season.” Advent gives us a chance to contemplate Christ’s return glory at the end of the age, even as we prepare to celebrate his first coming in humility. It gives balance, perspective, and focus to concentrate on what Christmas is really all about. Regarding your question, you are both right.

As early as the fourth century, we see certain bishops in the West proscribing spiritual exercises and penance in preparation for the celebration of the Nativity, albeit less strictly than in Lent. The oldest mention of norms for Advent come from St. Gregory of Tours, in the second book of his History of the Franks.  Gregory’s predecessor Perpetuus, (c. 480) decreed that the people of Tours should fast three times a week and perform acts of penance from the feast of St. Martin on November 11th until Christmas. It’s tough to say whether Perpetuus was establishing this practice or simply regulating an earlier one. In 567, the second Council of Tours instructed the monks to fast from the beginning of December until Christmas. This observance was soon taken up by the laity. In fact, it was commonly called “St. Martin’s Lent.” In 582, the first Council of Macon established norms for a period of fasting and penance in the weeks preceding Christmas. The council fathers decreed that from St. Martin’s Day to Christmas, the people were to fast on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. In addition, Mass was celebrated according to the Lenten rite.

Today, Advent continues this tradition of prayerful preparation for the Holy Season of Christmas. (Which, incidentally, begins on Christmas Eve and ends on the Baptism of the Lord. So, the Christmas Season proper lasts either 14 or 20 days, depending on what day of the week Christmas falls.)

Advent is a time of great expectation. It typically lasts about four weeks, more or less. For the first three weeks, the readings at Mass invite us contemplate Christ’s coming in glory at the end of the age. In the last week, we shift gears to contemplate his first coming in humility in Bethlehem. Advent wreathes are the primary way we teach this. Each Sunday of Advent, as the light grows brighter when we light another candle, we are reminded of the image from John’s gospel of how Christ, the Light of the World, pierces the darkness of a world enslaved to sin and death. Every Catholic home should have an Advent wreath that is prayerfully lit each evening by a member of the household. It’s a great way to involve everyone, smallest to tallest. Personally, I’m also a big fan of Advent calendars to help build a sense of anticipation.

Advent is also a time to prepare practically and spiritually. Getting one’s physical house in order is a great place to begin. I always encourage the Advent purge. First, get rid of the physical clutter in the house. Is there some small appliance or other household item that has been giving you fits? Are there clothes that you haven’t worn all year?  Get them out of there! Donate or recycle them. The same goes for getting your spiritual house in order. Are there attitudes, habits or sins that are coming between you and Christ or you and your loved ones?  Get rid of them! Get into the confessional, lay them at the foot of the Cross, and get them out of your life. What better way to enter into the Holy Season of Christmas than with a clean, uncluttered house and a clean, uncluttered spirit? 

Advent is a time of prayerful preparation for the coming of the Lord. It also gives us the opportunity to invite our neighbors and colleagues into a better way of celebrating Christmas. 

Dear Fr. Leo:

I hate saying “Happy Holidays.”  Can I say “Merry Christmas” during Advent?  – J

Dear J,

          Yes!  Absolutely! At every opportunity you can! 

Doing so is a great way to joyfully invite others to a deeper sense what Christmas is all about. It’s pretty simple to do.  If someone greets me with “Happy Holidays!”  I respond, “Why thank you! Merry Christmas!”  Depending on the reaction, sometimes I’ll say to the side, “Actually, we Catholics are observing Advent right now. For us, the Christmas season starts on Christmas Eve. Then we party for twelve days!” It’s a great way to do a little street evangelization. Give it a try.  

It’s Not the End of the World

[Hey, folks. Deacon Mick Fornelli hit another one out of the park this weekend. I do like to hear him preach. Here is the vid of his homily on what we are to make of Jesus words about the tribulations in his age and in our own.

My own musings on the same readings, albeit with a very different take, are below.]

Dcn. Mick Fornelli – It’s Not the End of the World



Fall is football season. With football comes  pre-game. With pre-game, comes pep talks.

     The purpose of a pep talk is to inspire the squad to achieve higher than their expectations of others and perhaps even of themselves. Pep talks inspire confidence, build courage, unite teammates and set the heart on fire to aspire to great deeds. They usually have a great punchline like, “Win one for the Gipper!”

       Today in the gospel, Jesus is also giving a kind of pep talk. He mentions how his disciples will be betrayed by those closest to them. How they will be dragged before religious and civil authorities because of his name.  And so what is his punchline? 

You will be hated by all because of my name!”

What’s up with that?!

Unlike the first Christians, we have the benefit of history. We know what happened in the three centuries following Pentecost.    Almost immediately, Christians were persecuted, first in the synagogues, and then at various times in the Roman Empire until Constantine legalized Christianity in 313 AD.  (Ironically, because they did not sacrifice to the gods, the early Christians were persecuted as atheists.)

But it has not stopped there. According to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, 900,000 Christians were killed  in the last decade, about one every six minutes. Fortunately, this is down by about half from the previous decade that saw 1.9 million Christians killed in various parts of the world. These are sobering numbers.

Jesus was not being morbid, he was simply being realistic. It’s no different today than it was then. The simple fact of the matter is this. In today’s world, to be Christian, and especially to be Catholic, is to put a target on your back. If the political climate of the last few years in this country has taught us anything, it is that if you try to live your faith, even if you do it poorly, there are those in society who will find this very annoying. Finding it very annoying, they seek to remove us from the public square. 

In this country, this has taken on the guise of the privatization of religious sentiment. Briefly put, it goes thus: “You may believe what you want, but don’t bring the insights or collective wisdom of your faith into polite public discourse. I find it offensive that your faith might seek to make a contribution to public discourse, let alone public policy.” 

The fallacy of such a position seems obvious. Is this the only age in which human beings have existed in history? Could we not learn from the lived experience of our forebears? Are we doomed to simply repeat the errors of history, content in our own self-aggrandizement? 

Hardly. For the past 2100 years, the Church is the only institution which has seen every political power and social movement come and go. We are not going anywhere. We have a place in the public square.  As we have spoken in every age, we have a sacred duty to speak to the present age. A polite silence helps no one, saves no one.

Catholics in America are no strangers to subtle, polite persecution.

The question is, will we speak or remain silent?  

Persistence in Prayer

Does persistent prayer change God’s mind? Would you believe in such a fickle God?

Last Sunday evening, I was celebrating Mass at St. Elizabeth’s.  You know how you always check out things at another parish to see what good ideas you can steal. I learned from a poster in their Narthex that they have I have a Trivia Night every so often to raise money for their World Youth Day pilgrims.  Let’s take a team over and clean house!

       It got me to thinking that how much cool stuff I have been privileged to learn in the course of my life, but also how much little known and useless information I have amassed over that same period. 

       For example, in high school, a friend of mine and I challenged each other to learn all the American presidents, the order in which they served, and the years that they served.

       I found that much like the genealogies of Jesus in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, the American presidents are a diverse lot. There are great saints and great sinners. Geniuses and men of…shall we say, elusive intelligence. However, all seem to have wanted what was best for their country.

       One of the most maligned is Calvin Coolidge, the nation’s 30th president who served the White House from 1923 to 1929, and was in office at the outset of the Great Depression. His nicknames were: Cautious Cal, Cool Cal, Silent Cal, and the Sphinx of the Potomac.

Not many people know much about President Coolidge today. But if you Google him, the first 49,000 citations will mention this one passage that he gave in a speech in 1929. He said: “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

     Mr. Coolidge was right. In a way, he is echoing what our Lord is saying in the parable of the widow and the unjust judge. Does she prevail solely on the merits of her case? Not really. Does she prevail because of the benevolence of the judge? Hardly. No, it is her persistence that wins the day. 

     Why does Jesus ask us to be so persistent in prayer? Our prayer certainly does not change God’s mind.  God already knows what we need long before we ask. Parents are the best examples of this. Our mom or dad could give us what we need without our asking, but would we really appreciate it? Probably not. How delightful it is to a parent when a child comes to their own realization of what is best and then asks for it.

    Three and a half millennia of human experience has shown that persistence in prayer has profound effects upon the one doing the praying. God does not change as a result of prayer. We do. Persistence in prayer allows us to discern God’s ultimate desire for us and to make that desire our own.

       As I said before, more often than not, time is an ingredient. A monk much wiser than me once said,

“I have found that so much of prayer is simply waiting on God; and I have learned that if I am willing to wait long enough, insight always comes.”

       Timing is everything. And God’s timing is so much better than our own. He not only knows what we need, but when we need it.

Persistence in prayer allows us to move from praying, “MY will be done.” to “THY will be done.” 

As we spend more time in prayer we begin to realize that God has three ways of answering prayer. 1) “Yes.” 2) “Not yet.” and 3) “I have something better in mind for you.” 

       Okay great, Fr. Leo. How do I do this?

It’s not that complicated, but it require some discipline.  You need to find a time and a place. To take some time each day to unplug from the distractions of this world. Find a quiet place and spend some time with the Lord. Decide on a time each day that will work for you. You may have to tweak this a bit. And this may change depending on your situation.

For example, at one parish my prayer time happened at 9:00 at night. Here at St. Pat’s, since we are the party parish, it has to happen in the morning at 7:30. 

You may need to adjust this time, you may need to fight for this time, but you need to make time.

I’ve said it about 163 times so far as your pastor, so you should be able to complete this quote for me.

“If you can’t find ten minutes a day for private prayer with our Lord, your life is what…? [OUT OF CONTROL!]

And you need to do what…? [MAKE ADJUSTMENTS]

Any excuses….?  [NO!]

You are not far from the kingdom.

 So first, make the time.

Second, find a place.

       Create a space in the home.

       Or change your routine to bring you to a holy place.   

       I love this one quotation that is popping up on the door in many churches in France.  In four short sentences it says: 

       It is possible that on entering this church, you may hear the Call of God.    

       On the other hand, it is not likely that he will contact you by phone. Thank you for turning off your phone.   

 If you would like to talk to God, come in, choose a quiet place, and talk to him.   

       If you would like to see him, send him a text while driving.

Or get creative. I love to tell the story of the fellow at St. Benedict’s who had two issues. First, because of his weird work schedule, he couldn’t find his ten minutes and he kept bringing the stress of his work home with him.

       As we chatted, the Holy Spirit kicked in and I asked him, “You live right down the street from the parish, right?

Why don’t you just pull your truck in and park in front of that big crucifix in front of the church on your way home?”

       You know, he did.

       About a month later he was in my office again and said, “You know, Father, that ten minutes has made all the difference.  I don’t even get out of my truck. I just do my Magnificat right there.  And I’ve also found that I can just leave all of the stresses and burdens of the day right there at the foot of the Cross. I suppose I could pick them back up again, but I’ve never seen the need.”

Let me end by paraphrasing Mr. Coolidge.

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence in prayer. Vocation will not; nothing is more common than unfulfilled vocations. Cleverness will not; you cannot outmaneuver God. Erudition will not; the world is full of theological derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Pray On! has opened and always will open the door to grace for the human race.