The day after the resurrection, two of Jesus’ disciples left Jerusalem and were on their way to Emmaus discussing all the events of the last few days, As they walked along Jesus joined them and helped them understand what it all meant. The couldn’t recognize him at first, but they finally recognized him “in the breaking of the bread.” You can read all about it in Luke 24:13-35.
Interestingly enough, the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus follows the same structure as the Mass. The Council tells us that Christ is present in four ways: 1) when the people gather, 2) in the proclamation and explanation of the Sacred Scriptures, 3) in the person of the Church’s Minister, and 4) in the Eucharistic species, i.e., bread and wine which are broken and poured out. The disciples are together on the road and by golly, Jesus is in their midst. Then he explains the Scriptures to them. Finally, they recognize him in “the breaking of the bread.” This phrase, in Latin “factio panis” was how the disciples in the early Church referred to the Eucharist.
The present day shrine in Emmaus is in now the occupied territories. Because of the political situation, the road to Emmaus is not so easily traveled these days and very few pilgrim groups go there. Nevertheless, we made the trip and I’m glad we did.
There is also a very large priory and what used to be a boarding school for boys on the property. Sadly, all that ended as a result of the Six Days War in 1967. Now two friars maintain the property. The town that was around it is pretty much gone. What is left is in decay. In a few years, there won’t be anything here but the Shrine. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the surrounding areas.
Facade of the Shrine at EmmausAltar piece in the Apse of the Emmaus ChurchSide altar dedicated to St. Cleopas, one of the disciples on the Road to Emmaus. Side altar dedicated to St. Simeon, the other disciple on the Road.
We end our pilgrimage this evening. Hope you enjoyed the ride.
Hi there, cyber-pilgrims! Jerusalem is a busy place and we have been busy pilgrims. Most of our time has been spent in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre and on the Via Dolorosa. There are tons of other things going on here, but these are the biggies.
As I mentioned before, the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre is built over the site of Golgotha, where the Crucifixion took place and the empty tomb of Christ. It’s a big place with many levels. This is because the area was originally a quarry near Jerusalem, just outside the city walls. Once the quarry was exhausted, they filled parts of it in and put in a garden. Given the location and its former use, it also made a good spot for a cemetery. This is a seven-arrow site. There is no doubt this is the place. Because of the significance of the place and the accidents of history, six different branches of Christianity share the church. The main three are the Roman Catholics, the Greek Orthodox, and the Armenian Oriental Orthodox. The others are the Coptics, the Syriac and the Ethiopian Oriental Orthodox.
We made three trips into the Basilica. The first was for Mass in the place where Mary Magdalen met Jesus outside the tomb after the Resurrection. That part of the Church is run by the Franciscans.
The Entrant to the Holy Sepulchre. Not that one set of doors has been walled in. The Sultan did that. He didn’t think the Christians needed two doors. Mass in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Magdalena Chapel.
The Via Dolorosa, the Way of the Cross – this starts at St. Ann’s Church, one of the few churches that survived from the Crusader period. The acoustics in here are amazing. The pools of Bethesda are nearby.
The facade of St. Ann’s Church. The nave of St. Ann’s. Looks like just about every other Gothic church. The acoustics are great. Better than singing in the shower even! Here a Spanish bishop is chatting with his pilgrims.
The Holy Sepulchre – At the end of the Stations, Fr. Anthony said, “Let me check to see what the situation is.” Thirty seconds later, he came back and motioned into the church. There was almost no line to get into the Empty Tomb itself. Amazing. This is my third time into this church and it’s always been at least a four-hour wait. Since I was with the right friar, I was fortunate to get to go in by myself to spend a few minutes venerating the tomb. This was the very spot where Jesus rose from the dead. Our group made it in shortly thereafter.
Side view of the chapel enclosing the Holy Sepulchre, the empty tomb of Jesus. The Empty Tomb of Christ. This is where the Resurrection happened. Really.
The next morning we came back to tour the rest of the basilica. Low and behold, there was no line again! Bonus! We made another visit to the tomb. Can’t get too much resurrection, you know. Then we went around the rest of the basilica.
Golgotha – You can see life size icons of Mary and the Beloved Disciple. The icon of Christ on the Cross is obscured by all the vigil lamps. The Orthodox LOVE their vigil lamps. As they say, if it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing! This is one of the few places where the noble simplicity of the Roman Rite is juxtaposed with the noble excess of the Byzantine Rites. It’s all part of being Church.
Sometimes during the day, a pilgrim needs to rest. Why not stop in for a holy bagel at the local Holy Bagel franchise. It’s a tasty treat. You can get it lochs or locks on the side.
At the end of the day, what better way to relax than at the Franciscan Bar. Oddly enough, they did not have any Frangelico on the shelf. What’s up with that?
Greetings, Cyber-pilgrims! Today, we made our way from Bethlehem to Jerusalem. It used to be a pretty quick trip, but since the Israeli government put up the security wall in 2000, it is much longer because you have to go all the way around the way. Nevertheless, we got here in good shape.
Some catch up from yesterday. We went to three sites before leaving the area of Bethlehem.
The first was the commemorative Church of the Shepherds Field. We really don’t know where the shepherds were when the angel appeared to the announcing the birth of Jesus, but this site has been venerated for some time by pilgrims.
Entrance to the Church of the Shepherd’s Field. This is Harold the Angel, I think. 🙂
The Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, En Karem – Tradition and the pilgrim record has held pretty steady on this site as the home of Zechariah and Elizabeth. You will recall that she conceived at an age much older than usual for those days. When the child was born, those there wanted to call him Zachariah after his father, but Zach said, “His name is John.” With that, his tongue was loosed and he proclaimed what has become the Benedictus, one of Luke’s great gospel canticles. (See Luke1: 57-80) It is recited or chanted in the Liturgy of the Hours at Morning Prayer.
Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist. The site venerated as the place of the birth of John the Baptist
The Church of the Visitation – Also from Luke 1, this is the spot that commemorates Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth while they were both pregnant. The child leapt in Elizabeth’s womb for joy. Mary then breaks out into the other great gospel canticle of Luke, the Magnificat. It is recited or sung at Evening Prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours. Check in out Luke 1:39-56. Really, I think the Gospel of Luke should have a musical score to accompany it.
Really nice frescoes in the Church of the Visitation. The security wall that encircles Bethlehem. A sad reality of the political situation on the West Bank.
This morning we made our way over to Jerusalem. First stop was in Bethpage to the church that commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. A couple of things to note here. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt that had not been ridden before. This was the fulfillment of a messianic sign. Also, the fact that he was on a colt signified that he came as a King of Peace. A warrior would have ridden in on a stallion. Just sayin’. Although the wall is in the way, we are really close to Bethany here, so there is also a place that commemorates Martha coming out to Jesus from Bethany.
Facade of Bethpage Bethpage Apse. I was not able to find out about the figure that is shrouded, third from the left. Anybody got any ideas?
From there, we worked our way down the Mount of Olives. Lots of stuff going on there.
Chapel of the Ascension – This site actually has some real credibility to it, its a four or five arrow site. Due to the vagaries of history, it fell into the hands of the Muslims, but they open it up because they can make a lot of money off us Christian pilgrims. Originally the chapel was open to the sky, so that pilgrims could contemplate the sky into which Christ ascended. Alas, it was domed over and used as a mosque for at while. The stone in the floor is said to have a footprint of Christ left as he ascended. If so, he would have had to have about size fourteen feet. Nevertheless, this is very likely the place where the Ascension took place.
The Chapel of the Ascension. Originally the dome was not there so one could contemplate the sky. The rock from which Jesus is said to have ascended. They say you can see his footprint. I can’t quite make it out.
Pater Noster Church – this complex commemorates Jesus teaching the Our Father (“Pater Noster” in Latin) to the disciples. One fun thing about this complex is that it has the Our Father displayed in just about every language in the world, even in Braille in several languages.
Pater Noster Church – The Our Father in just about every language you can think of, even a number of Native American ones. The Our Father in Braille (English). They many other languages in Braille as well.
The Garden of Gethsemane – We made a quick dash in here and came back later in the night for a holy hour. This is a seven arrow site and is the place where Jesus spent his agony in the garden and was betrayed by Judas.
The Tomb of Mary – a shrine of the Armenian and Greek Orthodox, it was used only briefly since Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven at the moment of her death. Still, just like Jesus, she did die. A beautiful sarcophagus forms the base of the altar in an itty bitty chapel.
The Biggy – The Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre. The empty tomb of Jesus – The Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre encompasses Golgotha and the tomb. It is as authentic a site as it gets. It was here that Christ was crucified, died, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day. We celebrated Mass in the chapel on the place where Mary Magdalene met Jesus after the resurrection. As the celebrant fell ill, I ended up celebrating the Mass. Later that afternoon we walked the Via Dolorosa. On our way back, we stopped by the Holy Sepulchre and Fr. Anthony went in to see what the situation was. Turns out there was almost no line to get into the Tomb itself. So we dashed in and got in line. I was blessed to have a few minutes in there by myself before everybody else went in. I guess it helps to be with the right friar.
Later tonight we returned to Gethsemane for a holy hour. Turns out we had the whole church to ourselves. I was asked to lead the hour, so no pics of that. Big day. Lots to contemplate.
Really, there was just too much going on today. It’s late and we have some serious pilgrimaging to do tomorrow. That will have to do it for tonight. So long for now, pilgrims!
In the last couple of days we have gone from the Dead Sea to the birthplaces of Jesus and John the Baptist.
Masada, Herod’s Palace Fortress – Imagine building a fortress on an isolated mountain peak in the middle of nowhere, just because you wanted a place to get away. That’s what Herod did rather ingeniously. Because of the remote location, he had 27 storerooms that held tons of goods. It also had one of the most sophisticated water collection systems ever, storing tens of thousands of gallons of water from the surrounding hills. The place was made for defense and to hold out forever in a siege. This is exactly what happened in 63 AD in the first Jewish revolt. When the Romans crushed the rebellion in Jerusalem, about 960 rebels fled to Masada and held out for months and months. Finally the Romans built a ramp up the 1600 foot peak to breach the walls.
Herod: “Hey, guys! Let’s build a fancy palace-fortress way up there!” The Fortress on top of MasadaThe Roman Encampments are still visibile to this day.
Qumran – The site of the Essene commune. They were an apocalyptical community who went to the desert to prepare themselves for the final battle between themselves, the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness. As part of that, they copied and studied the Jewish Scriptures. When the Romans came down the valley on their way to Masada they hid their documents in nearby caves until they could come back to get them. They never returned. The documents lay in the caves until they were discovered in the mid-20th century. Did John the Baptist spend time with the Essenes? Who knows?
One of the caves at Qumran
Bethany – Home of Lazarus, Martha and Mary. Jesus spent a lot of time in Bethany with his friends, Martha, Mary and Lazarus. His most famous miracle there was the raising of Lazarus from the dead. He waited four days because the Jews believed that the soul of the person hung around their body for three days. So by waiting another day, there could be no doubt that Lazarus was really, really, really dead. Thus, Jesus is shown as the Lord of the living and the dead.
“I am the resurrection and the life.” Note that Martha, who doubted, is standing and does not have a halo. Mary, who believed, is kneeling and has the halo indicating her belief. Pretty clever artwork.
On to Bethlehem – The Birthplace of Jesus
As I said, after being here for 800 years, the Friars have picked up some pretty good real estate. Their guesthouse is adjacent to the Church of the Nativity.
We rose early this morning and had Mass in the grotto where Jesus was born. This is a seven arrow site, meaning that this was the actual place. As I think I mentioned before, houses were often built in front of a caves. The bottom of the house was built out in front of the cave. A second story or “upper room” was often built on top. The people lived in the second floor and the animals lived downstairs in the back. The Greek word ἀνώγεον (anógeon) can mean both “upper room” or “inn”. Contrary to many Christmas pageants, it’s unlikely that Joseph and Mary could not get a room at the local Motel 6. Rather, they were most likely at the home of one of Joseph’s relative and there simply wasn’t room upstairs where the people were. Also, women usually gave birth in the lower part because of ritual purity concerns and the fact that it was warmer and there was lots of hay to make things a bit more sanitary.
It was not possible to take pictures in the Grotto itself. You can see many pictures online. We said Mass in the little Chapel of the Magi, about eight feet from the birthplace of Jesus.
A little free marketing on the way to Bethlehem. The Nave of St. Catherine of Alexandria Church. The Catholic Church next to the Church of the Nativity, The Church of the Nativity was given by the Turks to the Greek Orthodox. The “Door of Humility”. The main entrance to the Church of the Nativity. It was made thus so that they Turks could not ride their horses into the building and desecrate it. You have to stoop pretty low to get in there. Inside the Church of the Nativity. The grotto is below the altar. A picture of your humble servant in the dining hall of the guest house. Another distinguished guest who visited the guest house previously.
The evening kind of got away from us today and we have a 5:00 AM wakeup tomorrow for Mass at the very place where Jesus was born. Today we went to Masada, the Dead Sea, Qumran and Bethany before making our way to Bethlehem.
Check back tomorrow for the update. In the meantime, here is a screenshot I took right on the shore of the Dead Sea. Note that we were 1410 feet BELOW sea level. This is the lowest place on the surface of the earth. Pretty darn cool.
Okay, here is another shot. I just couldn’t resist. And yes, the beer was tasty.
How low can you go? Beer is tasty at 1410 feet below sea level. At this “altitude”, because of the negative air pressure, the head is actually on the bottom of the beer. No, really!
Hey, Pilgrims! Today we ventured into the occupied territories on the West Bank. First stop was Jacob’s Well in Nablus. As the noted biblical archeologist, Zeljko Gregor, once said, “The nice things about wells is that they don’t move.” So you can be rest assured that this was the real place.
Jacob’s Well – Jesus Meets the Samaritan Woman
Here’s a fun fact. In sacred scripture, wells were the places where lots of men met their wives. So it was with Jacob who met Rachel by a well. He was crazy for her, but because Laban her father switched her older sister for Rachel at the wedding, he had to wait fourteen years before he could marry her. Moses also met his first wife by a well. So it’s an interesting thing that Jesus would meet with the Samaritan woman by a well. (See John 4:4-42) Of course, he did not wish to marry her, but he did bring her into relationship with him as the Messiah. Note in John’s account how she goes through three stages of knowing Christ. First she sees him as a very special man, then as a prophet, and finally as the Messiah. Just like plumbing the depths of the well, Jesus takes her deeper and deeper in to the mystery of who he is. Pretty darn cool. I think he does something similar with all of us as we gradually get to know him for who he really is, and in the process get to know ourselves for who we really are.
We drew some water out of the well. The well itself is about 35 feet deep and the water has a depth of about 6 feet. It comes out crystal clear. This is some really good water. The Greek Orthodox monks there were most hospitable to us. They have been very busy making the church beautiful. It is the fifth or sixth church on the site since the fourth century. The well is in the crypt chapel below the sanctuary.
Facade of Jacob’s Well Orthodox Church. It’s based on the crusader church that preceded it. Nave of Jacob’s Well ChurchDome of Jacob’s Well ChurchJacob’s Well. I found it interesting that the gift shop was within five feet of it in the crypt chapel off to the right. Oh well…
The Jordan River – Most people have this image of the Jordan River as some mighty flowing waterway. The reality can be a bit underwhelming. It’s actually only about ten of fifteen meters across. One reason for this is that so much of it is syphoned off for irrigation. This far downstream, about a mile from it’s terminus in the Dead Sea it is slow and murky. Nevertheless, most scholars agree that this is the area nearest to where Christ was baptized. It is also the general area where the Israelites would have crossed into the promised land on their way to Jericho. The walls have never been rebuilt, by the way. We stopped and renewed our baptismal promises there.
The…uh…mighty Jordan River. Looking across the Jordan River into the Kingdom of Jordan. The river serves as the international border between the two countries. Note the Jordanian flags on the other side. Fr. Page gives us a good sprinkle after we renewed our baptismal promises, just like on Easter Sunday. Oblivious Canadian pilgrims are in the background.
Jericho – Guess who’s coming to dinner? Jericho was a surprisingly important town in Jesus’s day. Since there was only room for so many priests in Jerusalem, the rest of them hung out here. It was a center of learning and commerce. Thus, Zacchaeus would have made a good living as a tax collector. His conversion is a good lesson for us all. Jesus doesn’t need much of an opening to invite himself in. There is hope for us all.
A sycamore tree. Not THE sycamore tree, but you can see how easy it would have been for a little guy like Zacchaeus to climb one of these.
Howdy, pilgrims! Well, today was a slower day to go look at the old broken stuff. They need to take better care of their antiquities. I mean the place is in ruins!
The ruins today were at Caesarea Maritima and the Crusader Stronghold at Acre.
Caesarea Marittima – When the Roman Emperor Pompeii took over much of the middle east in in 63 BC, he set up Herod the Great as the puppet monarch of Palestine. Herod was completely insane and an incredible despot. Not only did he order the execution of all the boys under the age of three in Bethlehem, (see Matthew 2:16-18), he also killed his two eldest sons six days before his own death because he suspected they wanted to usurp his throne. But boy, could he build! There were public works projects going on all the time. Part of this was the port city of Caesarea Marittima, the first man-made port in history. They said he “folded nature” to make it happen. He build a huge palace for himself on the most prominent point. (“It’s good to be the king!”) It had an amphitheater that is still in use today as well as a hippodrome for chariot races and all the things a fellow needs to make himself comfortable. It later became the provincial capital.
Biblically, there are at least two significant events. You may recall in the Acts of the Apostles where the pious Roman centurion Cornelius had a vision of an angel who told him to seek out Simon, also known as Peter, to speak to him about the Way of Jesus. About the same time Peter had his famous “What God has declared clean, you cannot declare profane” vision. Peter came to Cornelius’s house Caesarea Marittima and baptizes Cornelius and his whole household – men, women, children, servants, neighbor kids, everybody! It was from this point forward that the Christians began to distinguish themselves from the Jews, since increasing numbers of Christians were Gentiles. You can read all about it in Acts 10.
This was also where St. Paul was held for two years once he appealed his case to the Emperor. He would have left from the port on his trip to Rome. Of course, he got shipwrecked off the coast of Malta.
A good look at Caesarea Marittima. Herod’s Palace is on the point, the Hippodrome just in front of that. The rest of the town stretches down the coast of the Mediterranean. Our faithful friar guides, Fr. Page and Fr. Anthony, read us the account from Acts 10. A pano shot of the port in Caesarea Marittima. They dredged it out and walled it in. It’s amazing what you can do with an endless supply of expendable labor.
The Crusader stronghold at Acre – After the crusaders were defeated in 1187, they held out for another 100 years at the port city of Acre. Here they built a most impressive fortress. While not biblical, it was really, really impressive what they were able to accomplish. They built glorious halls, churches, and fortifications. It was worth the trip. The sheer magnitude of the excavations to bring it to light is astounding.
The first snafu of the trip came when we tried to say Mass at St. John the Baptist Church on the bastion walls. The place was locked up like the fortress it sat upon. Turns out the friars were in the middle of a rotation and nobody told the incoming friars that we were coming. So, we improvised and had Mass at their school chapel. Fr. Gabriel was most accommodating.
Part of the Refectory (Dining Hall) at Acre. They were shooting a music video while we were there. Imagine that. The bastion walls on at the Acre Fortress. Kids were diving off the wall into the sea. Note the small staircase in the center. They used that to climb back up. St. John the Baptist Church on the bastion walls where we almost had Mass. Check out how thick the walls are that we walking across. It’s gotta be 30 feet (10m) or more. That’s a lot of stone.
Howdy, pilgrims! Lot of fun in the Galilee today. This is where Jesus did the bulk of his preaching, teaching and healing. There are lots of churches to commemorate events you read about in the gospels. Here’s a smattering of what we did.
Cana – First Miracle of our Lord was to make a party a success. That’s my kind of savior. Incidentally, the wine they sell there in the gift shops is terrible. Go figure.
The Church in Cana. Lots of our folks renewed their marriage vows here. Here is a group from India celebrating Mass in the Church.
Caesarea Philippi – “You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church…” Caesarea Philippi is located in the farthest north part of Israel. From out of the rocky hill comes a spring which is the headwaters of the Jordan River. Alexander the Great built a temple here to the god Pan. There were other Hellenistic temples here too. Herod Agrippa made it his capitol. Our Lord certainly had a flair for the dramatic. Check out the backdrop for his famous commission to St. Peter as the first leader of the Church.
Big commission. Big rock. Go St. Peter! Remains of the pagan temples at Caesarea Philippi. Looks like the one lady had found her niche.
Happy trials to you! English can be confusing for Israeli sign makers. The headwaters of the Jordan River. Nice and clean now. Wait till we get further downstream later in the week!
Tagbho – Multiplication of the loaves and the fishes. Hey, our job is to bring the fish. Jesus does the rest. The floor of this church is from the 5th century.
Church nave in Tagbho. This is a four arrow site. We are in the place that has been venerated by Christians since the second century as the place where the miracle took place. The famous 5th century mosaic that commemorates the loaves and fishes.
The Sea of Galilee – Yep, this is where Jesus went for his morning walk and calmed the storm. I’m still not sure why Peter asked him to join him walking on the water. For me, the miracle is not that Jesus walked on water, nor that Peter walked on water, which is exceedingly cool. In my mind the miracle of the story is that Peter got out of the boat. That’s the kind of faith I want.
Sea of Galilee – Can’t say I wasn’t tempted to go for a walk myself.
Mount of the Beatitudes – Darn it. Forgot to get a picture of the exterior of the church commemorating where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. I made up my own beatitude: “Blessed are the flexible, for they will not be bent out of shape.”
Primacy of Peter Church – This church commemorates John 21, where Jesus appears to the disciples on the shore of the Sea of Galilee and cooks them breakfast. Peter denied him three times. Three times Jesus asks Peter loves him. His three-fold denial is forgiven by his three-fold declaration of love. At the end, Jesus says, “Follow me.” Sounds like a plan.
Primacy of Peter Church – the rock is where Jesus sat and cooked breakfast for the apostles on the shore of the Sea of Galilee.
Capernaum – So many miracles, so little time. Jesus lived here for a good while. It was here that he expelled the demon in the synagogue, where he cured Peter’s mother-in-law and then everybody else in the town who was ailing. The place buzzes with miraculous energy. Very cool. The Basilica is build right over Peter’s house. This is a a seven arrow site. It’s really Peter’s house.
We had Mass right over Peter’s house in Capernaum. The glass in the floor lets you see the house underneath. The ruins of the 4th century synagogue built over the one Jesus preached in and expelled the demon. The foundations of Peter’s house under the basilica.
That was a lot for one day. We are pooped. This was some extreme pilgriming!
Hey, Church fans! As many of you know, I am in the Holy Land on the parish pilgrimage. Stay tuned for the next couple of weeks as I will take you along to some of the holy sites. I believe every Christian should come to the Holy Land at least once in his or her lifetime. There are two reason, among many. One is spiritual. The other is practical. First, you will never read the Sacred Scriptures the same way again. Second, it is important to come here to understand the political situation and especially how it negatively affects the life of Christians in the Holy Land. Coming on pilgrimage helps to support the Christians who have managed to remain here, despite the economic and political challenges. It is important that we help them remain so that the holy sites can continue to have vibrant worshiping communities and not become museums.
Day 1 – Mt. Carmel and the Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel – Home of the Brown Scapular.
After 27 hours in transit, we arrived in Tel Aviv on Saturday morning. We met our hosts, Friar Page and Friar Anthony, both Franciscan priests. Once on the bus, we were whisked up to the port city of Haifa located at the top of the Carmel Mountains. You will recall that it was from here that the prophet Elijah had the showdown with the 450 prophets of the false god Baal and the 400 prophets of Asherah and then ended the three and a half year drought (1Kings18:1-46). In the 4th century, Christian monks have been here in the spirit of Elijah. From this tradition, the Brown Scapular has grown. The Shrine of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel sit on a hill overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. We had Mass there in a side chapel. I picked up some scapulars in the gift shop.
Above the high altar at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Day 2 – Basilica of the Annunciation and Mt. Tabor
We arrived in Nazareth last night. The Friars have been here for over eight centuries and boy, can they pick real estate. Their guest house, the “Casa Nova”, is right across the street from the Basilica of the Annunciation. So why is it so called? Quite simply, because it is built over the site where the Incarnation actually took place. No kidding.
There are two types of sites in the Holy Land, those that are commemorative and those where the biblical events actually took place. There are seven criteria or seven “arrows” that point to a site to determine which type it is. These include the scriptures, various types of archeological evidence, and the historical documentation. A “seven arrow” site means that all seven criteria are pointing to a site as the authentic place where the biblical event actually happened. In this case we are talking about Luke 1:26-38 where the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced to her that she would conceive through the Holy Spirit and bear the Messiah. The modern Basilica was completed in 1969. It is build around the house that Mary was raised in Nazareth. The description “Verbum caro hic factum est” translates “Here, the Word was made flesh.”
We had Mass in the friars’ chapel off to the side since the parish was having their regular Sunday morning Mass. Then I went back and said a rosary for you.
The Basilica of the Annunciation from my room at the Friars Guest House2100 years of history in one shot. Inside the present day basilica you can see the wall of the 11th century Crusader church in the background, the aps of the 4th century Byzantine Church in the foreground and the childhood home of Mary in the center. The Interior of Mary’s childhood home. Here the Word was made flesh. Parishioners of the Basilica of the Annunciation having coffee and donuts after Mass. One more thing that makes the Church truly universal.
Mt. Tabor – the place of the Transfiguration
Jesus took the Peter James and John up a high mountain and there he was transfigured before them. (Matthew 17:1-8; Mk 9:2–8; Lk 9:28–36. ) This is a four or five arrow site. It’s pretty certain that the Transfiguration happened here, but we don’t know exactly where on the mountain. Archeological evidence under the basilica indicates that sacrifices were offered on this spot long before even the Hebrews arrived. Present basilica was built in the early 20th century. “Lord, it is good that we are here.”
Facade of the Basilica of the TransfigurationInterior of the Basilica of the Transfiguration – Nice mosaic of Jesus, Moses and Elijah with Peter, James, and John below.