Trinity Sunday – the Personalist Model

Hey, Church fans! I preached without a text today, so if you want the whole homily, it’s best to watch it here on our YouTube channel. A short summary of the main points are below. If you want to see the whole Mass, check it out here on Facebook.

     This Sunday I will be preaching on a way of looking at the Most Holy Trinity called the “personalist model.” I have found it very helpful personally and hope that you do too.

     It is a bold endeavor to ponder the reality of Almighty God. He is at once completely transcendent. Yet at the same time, through the Church, he has chosen to be incredibly accessible. While we cannot comprehend every thing about God, through revelation and reason, we can understand some things about God. 

I often say that theology is not rocket science. Quite simply, it is all about relationship. The same is true about Almighty God. In short, through the Church, we are invited into a relationship we call “full communion” with the God who is perfect communion itself. We reflect that dynamic to others. But how?

Since we are made in the image and likeness of God, we start by looking at ourselves. As human persons we have:

1. Identity—By the age of two, most people have a sense of self as distinct from others.

2.  Self-Communication—Eventually we communicate to others about ourselves, share our attributes, feelings, desires, and needs.

3. The Relationship/Animating Principle—between identity and self-communication. “So, tell me about yourself!” Usually we use words, but sometimes we use music, art, poetry, etc. Words need breath to be heard.

Now, if we can be so bold as to apply these things to God, we find:

1.  Identity—God’s nature is to exist. He is identity itself. So much so that his revealed name is “I AM.” 

2.  Self-Communication—God reveals himself not only in creation but also through his Word, which “became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). God’s perfect revelation was Jesus Christ.

3.  Animating principle—it’s no coincidence that the same word for “spirit” in Hebrew is the same word for “breath.”  It is a heady thing to realize that the Spirit that animated the life of Christ is the same Holy Spirit that animates the life of every Christian. 

Like a Great Fire!

[Greetings, Church fans! Here is the homily. Actually, the first part of the homily. The rest deals with some issue particular to the parish. You can catch the whole Mass on our Facebook page or just the homily on our YouTube channel here. ]

Long before the FaceBook post or the meme, my mother, (who turns 90 this weekend) loved to put little framed quotations all over the house. Such things as: “A little explained, a little endured, a little forgiven—the quarrel is cured.”  or “Engage brain before putting mouth in gear.”  Of course with our family heritage, Irish sayings held a place of honor. The Irish, being a great and noble race of people, have many wonderful expressions.  My favorite in the house is this: “May the love of God warm your heart like a great fire, so that a friend may come and warm himself there.”

       I cannot celebrate Pentecost without this saying coming to mind. When we understand what and who the Holy Spirit is, it makes a lot of sense.  

       As Christians, we believe in the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit—one God, three persons. It only makes sense if you think of it terms of relationship. The Father loves the Son and the Son loves the Father.  The dynamic intensity of this relationship, by its very nature, radiates out beyond the Father and Son, much like the heat of a great fire. But we don’t just feel its effects, we are loved ourselves.  We are invited to participate fully in the power of this love, and to invite others. 

       A good marriage also helps us understand. The two spouses love one another, body and soul.  The best expression of the intensity of this relationship, is by its very nature live-giving, and nine months later, you may have to give it a name! But it’s not just children. While I was growing up, my parents were always inviting other people to share in the life and love of our home. There were always neighbor kids and friends and neighbors who were enlivened by the relationship my parents had. Their love, such as it was, invited others to be a part of it and share in its joys, its sorrows, its triumphs and its tragedies. The love of God warmed their hearts like a great fire, and many were warmed in its glow as they were invited to be a part of that relationship.

       The Holy Spirit  is nothing less than the power of the love of God alive in the heart of every Christian.  The God who is perfect relationship and perfect communion invites us to share fully in the intensity of that dynamic love. This, I believe is one of the most profound ways that we are made in the image and likeness of God.  We are made for communion, for that perfect relationship at the level of our very being with God and others.  The gifts and the fruits of this relationship we call the Holy Spirit, are readily available to all through the sacraments of the Church.

       Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your love.          

Complete Joy

[Howdy, Church fans! And happy Mother’s Day. Here are some thoughts on today’s gospel, (John 15:9-17) As always, you can watch the homily on our YouTube channel here, or catch the whole Mass here. ]

       We Americans, and especially we Alaskans are much more goal motivated than duty motivated. If you tell an Alaskan, “You have to do this!” or “You can’t do that!” the typical response will be, “Who the heck are YOU to tell me what I can and can’t do! ” But if instead you say to an Alaskan, “Hey, see that mountain peak over there? I wonder if a guy could get his ATV up on top.”  The response would likely be a hearty, “Here! Hold my beer and watch this!” We seem to accomplish much more with goals than with commands.

     So when Jesus says, “This is my commandment…” we Alaskan may wince a little and think, “This is going to be burdensome.” That is, until we hear what his commandment actually is: “Love one another.”

     Hmmm…this is something unexpected, and surprisingly challenging. If he had simply said, “Do A, B and C and your joy will be complete,” we would have some precision and clarity. Instead, this commandment to love one another is open-ended.  It’s not simply something we can do and check off our list. Who of us has ever said to a spouse or close friend. “Okay, I’ve loved you enough. We’re good to go.”

       [Or try this with your wife sometime.  “Hey, honey, there is nothing about you that I don’t know.  I know what you like, what you dislike, what brings your joy what brings you sorrow.  I finally have you figured out.

       See how far you get.

       How much better if you should say, “You know, hon, after all these years, you still amaze me.” 

       Jesus says to love one another “as I have loved you.”  The one who loves, Aquinas tells us, intends what is best for the beloved and does everything in his or her power to make it happen.

       Love is lived most authentically in our service to one another, in our self-sacrifice for the good of others. Where love is present, sacrifice comes readily.  To lay down one’s life for another, often daily, is the root of our joy and makes our joy complete. Christ is not asking us to do anything he has not already done and continues to do for us.  When our love for one another is joined to and reflects the love of Christ to that part of the world around us, his joy is in us and our joy is complete.

       We don’t need to look far for examples of this. This weekend we celebrate Mother’s Day. One of the hallmarks of motherhood is the daily sacrifice that mothers make for the well-being of their children. Indeed, where love is present, sacrifice comes readily. How fitting that we pause this weekend to thank our mothers for the love and sacrifice they have made for us throughout our lives.

       By and large, we Alaskans don’t like to be told what to do, but this commandment is one we can live with.  Let us look to the Cross.  Let us love one another as Christ has loved us and therein find the source of our joy, so that our joy might be complete. 

The True Vine

[Howdy, Church Fans! Deacon Mick had another good one this week. Don’t forget to check out the video on our YouTube Channel here. The whole Mass can be viewed here.]

This is a great time of year for me –

maybe for all of us. 

I think I saw a couple of trees beginning to leaf out

and I see the snow melting,

the grass thawing and turning green. 

The rebirth of nature gives us all the lift we all need

after a very cold, snowy, and dark winter. 

After winter,

our mood begins to change as

we feel a new energy within. 

This is the time of year when

people start thinking about putting a great deal of work

into their yards and gardens,

raking out what was left

of last years fallen leaves and dead twigs,

bundling it all for the trash. 

Everything that is dead is removed

to make way for new planting and fresh growth.

Is it possible that

we who are children of God

May see ourselves

like those broken branches or crumpled leaves? 

Well,  it’s possible —-

if we let ourselves be separated from Christ. 

Just as branches get separated from trees,

we can become separated from the Lord. 

Jesus says that he is the true vine. 

A person who does not live in him

is like a withered branch ready for the fire.

Those leaves and branches that

were once the glory of nature,

are now an eyesore.

They become separated from their source of life

and died. 

When we become detached from Jesus Christ,

our source of life,  we die spiritually.

So ——

how do people become detached from the Lord? 

Seldom is it one dramatic moment

when people turn from Christ. 

Usually it’s gradual

as people begin to give way on small things,

discarding what seem to be

insignificant religious practices that

then lead to the abandonment of more important ones. 

Then comes a moment when

someone is coming to church,

saying the words and singing the songs with words that

no longer speak from their heart. 

It’s like singing a foreign national anthem. 

The words are alien

and they fail to motivate or invigorate. 

They express a faith that

is no longer in our heart

and is no longer a part of us. 

We have become cut off from the vine.

My brothers and sisters,

we need to stay in contact with the living Lord.

AND we do so through the community of the church. 

In today’s first reading,

we see St. Paul

staying in contact with the Jerusalem Church,

the center of the apostolic faith in his time. 

His conversion experience needed to be

tested, verified and transformed into a way of life that

would last beyond the drama of the moment. 

He did this by becoming part of the Church.

The same is true of us. 

We need to be

tested, verified and transformed into a way of life

that more closely connects us with the living Lord.

So the question is —-

How do we test, verify and transform our lives?      

One way is

whether our spiritual experiences

draw us closer to the Church,

to the community of faith —- rather than isolating us,

setting us apart in a sort of

spiritual individualism. 

Taking part in the life of the Church

verifies our personal spirituality

and keeps us balanced.

Another way we stay in contact with the living Lord

Is by nurturing our prayer life. 

Now ——

we all need a personal prayer life. 

We all can have a personal prayer life. 

The celebration of the liturgy,

Sunday Mass,

does not exhaust the spiritual life of a Christian. 

The liturgy — our time here today is our spiritual center but

it should radiate

into a daily routine of personal prayer.

A third way that we stay in contact

with the living Lord

is through the expression of our faith

in works of charity toward others. 

This is how our faith influences our relationships,

our work and the causes in which we believe.

All three of these options allows us to remain

part of the living Vine – to stay connected

to the life giving love of Christ.

So, now the question becomes —

what about a person

who has limited or no contact with the Church,

who seldom prays

or whose claimed faith

has absolutely nothing to do

with how he or she lives life? 

If you can relate to any of these points

have you disconnected

from the life giving love of Christ?

Well, if during this Easter season

you have been somehow moved to pray more often,

there is sill life within you. 

If during this Easter season

your conscience has spoken to you about

changing your way of life,

there’s still life within you. 

If during this Easter Season

you have had the desire to

set things right with the Church and others,

there’s still life within you. 

If during this Easter Season

you want to come closer to God,

there’s still life within you. 

If you want to begin again with the Lord,

then you are not yet a dead branch. 

You are still connected,

however tenuously, to the vine.

Today’s Gospel is very much a Gospel of Hope. 

This is a good time to learn from nature. 

Out of winter comes the new life of spring. 

Out of the winter of our soul,

by God’s grace,

new life can begin to flourish and bud.

If we stay connected to the vine,

our lives will bear much fruit,

much more than we could ever imagine.

Good Shepherds

[As always, you can see the whole Mass here, or just the homily here. ]

Good Shepherd Sunday, 2021,

     The Fourth Sunday of Easter is known as “Good Shepherd Sunday” since the readings in each cycle have Jesus describing himself as the Good Shepherd. It is also a time when we focus on the special ministry of pastors in the Church. In fact, the word for shepherd in Latin is “pastor.” 

Of course, you know the description of the perfect pastor? Here is a chain letter/email that’s been going around for some time:


The Perfect Pastor

     The Perfect Pastor preaches exactly 10 minutes. He condemns sin roundly, but never hurts anyone’s feelings. He works from 8 a.m. until midnight, and is also the church janitor.

     The Perfect Pastor makes $40 a week, wears good clothes, drives a good car, buys good books, and donates $30 a week to the church. He is 29 years old and has 40 years’ worth of experience. Above all, he is handsome.

     The Perfect Pastor has a burning desire to work with teenagers, and he spends most of his time with the senior citizens. He smiles all the time with a straight face because he has a sense of humor that keeps him seriously dedicated to his church. He makes 15 home visits a day and is always in his office to be handy when needed.

     The Perfect Pastor always has time for parish meetings and all of its committees, never missing the meeting of any church organization. And he is always busy evangelizing the unchurched.

     The Perfect Pastor is always in the neighboring parish!

     If your pastor does not measure up, simply send this notice to six other churches that are tired of their pastor too. Then bundle up your pastor and send him to the church at the top of your list. If everyone cooperates, in one week you will receive 1,643 pastors. One of them should be perfect.

     Have faith in this letter. One church broke the chain and got its’ old pastor back in less than three months.


Christ is the Good Shepherd, but how does this ministry of Shepherd play out in the life of the Church? While the Archbishop is the chief shepherd of the Archdiocese, each parish within the Archdiocese is entrusted to a priest as its proper pastor. (Can. 515 §1). He exercises the pastoral care of the community entrusted to him…so that for the community he may carry out the offices of teaching, sanctifying and ruling (administration) with the cooperation of other priests or deacons and with the assistance of the lay members of Christ’s faithful…” (See Can. 519.)

Okay, great.  But what does a pastor actually do? 

As the staff and the various committees in the parish will tell you, every staff position, every ministry gets a job description. In the biz, we call it the “Position Description and Expected Results Statement.” 

So where is the pastor’s job description?  It’s quite Canons 528-530.

Can. 528 §1 The parish priest has the obligation of ensuring that the word of God is proclaimed in its entirety to those living in the parish. He is therefore to see to it that the lay members of Christ‘s faithful are instructed in the truths of faithespecially by means of the homily on Sundays and holydays of obligation and by catechetical formation. He is to foster works which promote the spirit of the Gospelincluding its relevance to social justice. He is to have a special care for the Catholic education of children and young people. With the collaboration of the faithful, he is to make every effort to bring the gospel message to those also who have given up religious practice or who do not profess the true faith.

§2 The parish priest is to take care that the blessed Eucharist is the center of the parish assembly of the faithful. He is to strive to ensure that the faithful are nourished by the devout celebration of the sacraments, and in particular that they frequently approach the sacraments of the blessed Eucharist and penance. He is to strive to lead them to prayerincluding prayer in their families, and to take a live and active part in the sacred liturgy. Under the authority of the diocesan Bishop, the parish priest must direct this liturgy in his own parish, and he is bound to be on guard against abuses.

Can. 529 §1 So that he may fulfil his office of pastor diligently, the parish priest is to strive to know the faithful entrusted to his care. He is therefore to visit their familiessharing in their cares and anxieties and, in a special way, their sorrowscomforting them in the Lord. If in certain matters they are found wanting, he is prudently to correct them. He is to help the sick and especially the dying in great charitysolicitiously restoring them with the sacraments and commending their souls to God. He is to be especially diligent in seeking out the poor, the suffering, the lonely, those who are exiled from their homeland, and those burdened with special difficulties. He is to strive also to ensure that spouses and parents are sustained in the fulfilment of their proper duties, and to foster the growth of christian life in the family.

§2 The parish priest is to recognise and promote the specific role which the lay members of Christ‘s faithful have in the mission of the Churchfostering their associations which have religious purposes. He is to cooperate with his proper Bishop and with the presbyterium of the diocese. Moreover, he is to endeavour to ensure that the faithful are concerned for the community of the parish, that they feel themselves to be members both of the diocese and of the universal Church, and that they take part in and sustain works which promote this community.

Can. 530 The functions especially entrusted to the parish priest are as follows:

 the administration of baptism;

 the administration of the sacrament of confirmation to those in danger of death, in accordance with can. 883n3;

 the administration of Viaticum and of the anointing of the sick, without prejudice to can. 1003 §§2 and 3, and the imparting of the apostolic blessing;

 the assistance at marriages and the nuptial blessing;

 the conducting of funerals;

 the blessing of the baptismal font at paschal time, the conduct of processions outside the church, and the giving of solemn blessings outside the church;

 the more solemn celebration of the Eucharist on Sundays and holydays of obligation.

       Does this sound like the description of the Perfect Pastor I read to you at the beginning of the homily?  More to the point, is it even possible for one man to do everything described in Canons 528-530?  The answer of course, is no.  He is not expected to do all this himself.  But he does have the sacred responsibility of seeing that all these things are being done by those members of the faithful who have been invited, trained, supported and thanked as they engage in their respective liturgical, catechetical and evangelical ministries in the parish.  

       Having been a pastor for many many years, I find the ministry of pastor is best exercised in a manner similar to that of the conductor of a great symphony orchestra. Everyone has their part to play, but there is need for one to guide the life of the parish so that everything happens harmoniously and in the way intended by Christ, the Good Shepherd. It’s the difference between being in charge and being responsible. There are many people who are in charge of the various ministries in the parish, but in the end, it is the pastor who is responsible to make sure that it all happens in the best possible way. This can’t be someone without any skin in the game.  He has to lay down his life for the flock. The stakes are no less than the salvation of every soul in 99504.

     Being a pastor is what we often call a “vocation within a vocation.”  Not all priests are pastors, but all pastors are priests. One of the reasons has a lot to do with our understanding of Christ, the Good Shepherd. While Christ is ultimately THE Good Shepherd, he has entrusted the proclamation of the Gospel to us, the Church.  The ministry of shepherd finds its tangible expression at the parish level in the ministry of the pastor, who by virtue of his ordination acts in the very person of Christ, literally as alter Christus, “another Christ.” As you can see from the job description, it is no small thing to be a pastor. He has a lot he has to keep track of in the community entrusted to his care.

       But in the end, it is not so much what we DO as a parish, as who we ARE as the People of God, the parish family of St. Patrick’s. We are a community of disciples, a family of faith.

       There is a reason they call us “Father” and not just ‘pastor’. This is a vocation, not a job. It is a calling, not a task.  Configured to Christ at the level of his very being, like Christ, the Pastor shows the parish family what is possible for them and leads them there,

       sometimes exhorting them from the front and sometimes encouraging and prodding them from behind.  Always walking with them on the journey of faith, sharing their joys, their sorrows, their tragedies and their triumphs. 

       There is no greater challenge.  There is no higher calling. There is no greater way of imitating Christ, the Good Shepherd.

       So, on this Good Shepherd Sunday, let us take a moment to thank God for those pastors we have had throughout our lives, the good ones and the ones who struggled, who with whatever resources God gave them for their ministry, faithfully served the people entrusted to their care and helped us find our way to Christ.

Redeemed in the Blood of Christ

Here is the text. As always, you can see the video of homily on our YouTube site here. The whole Mass is on our Facebook page here.

We begin with the blessing of the palms and the commemoration of Christ’s Triumphal entry into Jerusalem and then all of a sudden, we are reading the Passion of Mark.  In less than 15 minutes we go from

Palm Sunday, more properly known as “Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion” really lends itself to a kind of liturgical whiplash.

       “Hosannah to the Son of David!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” 

       to “My God!  My God!  Why have you abandoned me?!”

       From the palm which is a symbol of victory

       To the Cross, an instrument of execution.

How are we to make sense of it all?

In order to do so, we need a good understanding of what it means to be redeemed by Christ by his suffering and death on the Cross. 

First, what does it mean to be redeemed?

       In the time of Christ, right up to the end of the middle of the 19th century, the idea of “debt bondage” was a rather common practice.

       Briefly stated, if you ran up a personal debt that you could not pay, then you could be sentenced by the civil courts to be sold into slavery to your creditor until such time as your debt was paid. 

We see this elsewhere in the scriptures in the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18:21-35. Remember the scene?

       “That is why the kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who decided to settle accounts with his servants.

       When he began the accounting, a debtor was brought before him who owed him a huge amount. Since he had no way of paying it back, his master ordered him to be sold, along with his wife, his children, and all his property, in payment of the debt.”

       Later, in Europe, this practice continued right up until the middle of the 19th century with a system of debtors prisons. Your sentence depended on the amount you owed and you were not released until your debt was paid to the last penny.

       Federal debtors prisons were outlawed in the United States in 1833 and in England in 1867.  But they still exist in certain parts of the world.

       But even today we will use the phrase, “Paying your debt to society” when referring to those serving time for criminal offenses. 

So it was in the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus. Of course, the Romans, being very efficient, documented everything.

       So let’s say you owed a debt you could not pay, your creditor brought you before the magistrate, you were convicted. 

       One of the first things they did was draw up the legal document on parchment or papyrus recording the nature of your offense, the details, and what it would take to redeem your debt.  This document was known as your mandate or “mandatum.”  It might look a little like this:

       [Hold up the Mandatum}

Then, you were led off by the bailiff and cast into bondage. How could you get out of the situation?  How could you be redeemed and set free?

There were three ways that you could be redeemed:

       1. You could spend the proscribed amount of time in bondage.

       2. You could shorten this time by paying in blood and submitting to torture. Of course, if your creditor didn’t like you, or the prison was a bit overcrowded, they might do this to you anyway, just to move things along. Or, 

       3. If you had a rich uncle or other friends or relatives, they could pay your debt for you and you would be released. 

       Now, let’s take this little scenario and apply it to the situation of fallen humanity.

With the disobedience of humanity in the fall, SIN entered the world. 

       Humanity flexed its infantile moral muscles and asserted its independence from the Creator.

       Humanity, of course, was perfectly free to do so, but such independence from God comes at a price.

       As St. Paul and many others has surmised, this price for original and all sin…is suffering and death.

        Even the casual observer of the human condition can see that this is true in this life, as it is in the next.

       Who of us has not suffered because of our own carelessness or sins

       or the carelessness or sins of another,

              sometimes with fatal consequences?

       Sin is real.

       And death is real.

Like the man in debtors’ prison, humanity found ourselves owing a debt we could and cannot pay, eternal in its magnitude.

       1. Thus by our sin, we found ourselves sentenced to a debt bondage for eternity.

       2. Suffering in this life and the next in separation from God.

       3.  Unless…unless someone with the means could pay that debt for us.

Enter Jesus of Nazareth, Son of Mary, Son of God,

       Who by taking on a human nature, was able to pay the debt of suffering and death which is the price of sin.

       Who by his divine nature had the means to do so.  

Jesus, the Christ, who by his suffering and death on the Cross, redeemed a fallen humanity and reconciled all creation to the Father.

“Christ paid a debt he didn’t owe, because we owed a debt we couldn’t pay.” 

The price for our sins has been paid.  And we are free.

Now, the liturgical whiplash of Palm Sunday makes sense.

By his suffering and death on the Cross that Christ paid the price for our sin. We are redeemed in the blood of Christ. 

       In the Roman Empire, your debt was paid, by time, by suffering or by anorther, they took your mandatum and wrote on it in big red letters.  REDEMPTUS EST, ‘He or she is redeemed.”

       And you carried it around with you.

       So that if someone should challenge you, “Say, aren’t you the guy that welched on your debt to Wally?”

       You could whip out your mandatum, show it to them and say, “I have been redeemed.” 

You know, we each have a mandatum. It looks like this:

       [Show baptism certificate.]

It’s called your baptism certificate, and it reads like this:

       [Read baptism certificate.]

It is now the Cross, not the palm that is the ultimate symbol of victory

       The palm spoke only of earthly victory in battle.

       The Cross stands as witness and speaks for all eternity of the sacrifice which won for us the victory over sin and death.

       We are redeemed in the blood of Christ.

Whoever Believes in Him

Hey, Friends! There is a lot in this homily which is not in the synopsis below. To get the whole talk, check it out either on our YouTube channel here or the whole Mass on our Facebook Page here.

The Gospel of John is a lot like a big bowl of steaming Irish stew. You can see that there is some yummy goodness in there, but it is not until you actual start to stir it up that all sorts of  hidden delights come to the surface. So it is with this week’s gospel passage where Jesus is speaking with Nicodemus. There are four different ingredients, but the broth that holds them together is belief in the Son of Man.

The first ingredient is a teaching on his Passion (3:14,15). Why must the Son of Man be lifted up like the serpent in the desert?  “So that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.”

The second is the classic John 3:16-17. God loved the world so much he gave his only son.  Why?  “So that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” 

The third ingredient shows us that Jesus came to save us, not to condemn us. How do we avoid condemnation?  “Whoever believes in him will not be condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned.” This seems harsh at first glance, but we must acknowledge that God does not do violence to us. Belief cannot be forced. So strangely enough, self-inflicted condemnation does happen. It’s a sad thing to realize that God does not condemn anyone to hell. Everyone in hell has freely chosen to be there. He goes on to explain this. There are those who simply choose the darkness over the light so that their sins may not come to light. This may be due to pride, stubbornness, or any number of things.

The final ingredient is an encouragement for us who believe in Jesus to live in the light of the truth.  He comes preaching the Kingdom, but more importantly he comes preaching himself. It is belief in Jesus that is our ticket to the Kingdom; by whom we are saved from condemnation; and with whom we enter into eternal, unapproachable light.

The Three Temples of Lent

Greetings, Church fans! The gist of the homily is below. If you want to see the whole Mass, go the St. Pat’s Facebook Page here. If you just want to see the homily, go to our YouTube page here. Blessings!

    The cleansing of the Temple is a very good example of Jesus the Prophet. Like Isaiah and his two smoking firebrands (Is 7:4) or Ezekiel digging a hole through the city wall, (Ez 8:8) Jesus is doing exactly the kind of dramatic act that prophets had always done. Since Twitter and Instagram were not around yet, it was how they got the peoples’ attention. 

       Pastors do the same thing sometimes. At present, I am cleansings the office cupboards. I’m not sure why we need 46 (Count em! Yes, 46!) different boxes and Ziploc bags of tea, 8 jars of coffee, and 23 coffee mugs, not to mention several pounds of condiments and spices. I also found a large variety appliances of dubious purpose.        Clutter creeps up on us and we sometimes don’t realize it until we are staring at a mountain of extraneous encrustations.     

       Jesus saw this happening in the Temple of Jerusalem and took action. So too for us, Lent is a good time to identify the clutter in our lives, how it blocks our path to Christ, and then to get rid of it in no less dramatic fashion. One way of doing so, is to think in terms of “Three Temples.” 

       The first temple mentioned in today’s gospel passage is the Temple of Jerusalem. For the people of Jesus day, this was the dwelling place of God and proof of his abiding presence with his people. It was where true worship was offered to God, and a sign of God’s protection over his chosen people. It was also big business. Endless streams of pilgrims would come, especially in the holy seasons. Obviously, they would need to obtain the necessary animals for sacrifice. This used to happen in the surrounding neighborhood, but as we see, it found its way onto the Temple grounds and even in parts of the Temple itself. Since one could not use Roman coins within the Temple precincts to make the purchase, one needed to change Roman coins for Temple script. Of course, the money changers would charge a nice little commission for their service. This also was big business. This is what really ticked Jesus off.  By driving them all out, he makes the point in no uncertain terms that they have profaned the Temple and all it stands for.  Jesus is very much the prophet calling the people to true worship in the manner of the expected Messiah.

       But then we learn of another Temple, the temple of his own body. This makes a lot of sense once we understand that all previous sacrifices ever offered under the Law of Moses, whether they were to establish covenants, to forgive sins, to remember or to give thanks, were fulfilled and perfected in the one perfect sacrifice of Christ on the cross.  In a very real sense, once he offered himself on the Cross, all previous sacrifices became superfluous.  Our eucharistic sacrifice here today is a propitiary sacrifice by which we participate in the one, perfect sacrifice of Christ.

       Finally, there is a third temple we need to be aware of. Namely, every one of us who is part of the Mystical Body of Christ. As St. Paul reminds us, “Do you not know that your body is a temple* of the holy Spirit within you…) 1 Cor 6:19)         We would do well to play the prophet with ourselves this Lent.  What are those worldly things that crept into our lives that get between us and our relationship with God and others? Lent is a great time to take stock, to make changes and to cleanse the temples of our lives. 

Climbing the Mountain

Greetings, Church fans! This one is one of Deacon Mick’s best. As always, you can pick up the whole Mass on the livestream on our Facebook page or just the homily on our YouTube Channel.

On this 2nd Sunday of Lent,

and every 2nd Sunday of Lent,

the Gospel reading recounts the Transfiguration of Jesus. 

Someone once called the particular Sunday

the “Sunday of the three mountains.” 

We have Abraham on Mt. Moriah; in the 1st reading

the redeeming Christ on Mt. Calvary; in the 2nd

and the Transfigured Christ on Mt. Tabor; in the gospel. 

We are invited to climb these mountains during Lent. 

Now  –  we live in Alaska

and mountain climbing is part of our nature. 

Almost everyone has at least climbed up Flattop.

Climbing a mountain is hard but

when we reach the top,

we see things in a different way. 

The air is cleaner, the light is clearer,

we seem closer to God

and we are changed by the effort.

SO – Let’s take a moment and look at these three mountains.

First, there is Mt. Moriah. 

In his old age,

Abraham was called by God to

leave the people of the Chaldeans

and go to a place God intended for him. 

Abraham complied with the will of God. 

Several years ago,

some archeological excavations

in the area of the Chaldeans homeland –

revealed the awful discovery that

the Chaldeans were involved in child sacrifice. 

In the light of this,

Abraham’s climbing Mt. Moriah to sacrifice his son

loses some of its puzzlement. 

God called him up the mountain

to teach him in a very dramatic way that

human sacrifice would never be a part

of fidelity to the God of life. 

At the top of Mt. Moriah,

Abraham finally and completely

left all the old gods of the Chaldeans behind.

We are called during Lent

to abandon the worship of the gods of our culture

(you know the gods of politics, of immoral entertainment,

of secular and cultural permissiveness and others that

so directly impact our lives and values)

and to discover again our fidelity to the one true God.

The call to Mt. Moriah is a call of service, dedication and commitment

to the true God alone.

In the second reading,

St. Paul speaks about Christ’s love for us

shown on Mt. Calvary. 

During Lent,

we are called to embrace more fully

the love of Jesus Christ

and see him as our Savior. 

Several years ago,

the Holy See discussed the impact of “Moral Modernism”

and its contrast with Christianity. 

One of the points discussed was that

“Moral Modernism” is a kind of atmosphere that

surrounds us and influences our thinking. 

It focuses on personal needs

and personal desires

and personal wants.

This moral modernism thinking

does not see God as a personal being

but as an undefined, impersonal energy to be harnessed and used.  

It’s concept sees us as somehow saving ourselves through

techniques of self-fulfillment, self-realization,

and self-redemption rather than true

salvation coming from the passion, death

and resurrection of Christ. 

It confuses psychology and spirituality. 

In moral modernism

we aren’t encountering the living God

but relying on our personal inner interpretations

of right and wrong for salvation. 

Modern moralism sees sin as imperfection

and so we get to go through a personal life

recycling until we get it right

rather than seeing our life as a

unique and sacred drama of sin and grace,

our one time journey back to God.

To climb the mountain of Calvary

is to leave this self-absorption,

self-interpretation of morality behind

and see Jesus Christ alone,

as the way, the truth,

and the life the comes to each of us

from His saving death and resurrection.

The call to Mt. Calvary

is to embrace the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

as our key to eternal life.

Finally, there is Mt. Tabor,

the mountain of the Transfiguration

that revealed something stupendous to the apostles. 

Now, we can limit our vision and our hope to this world

as the apostles did, but

Jesus took them up a high mountain. 

Once there,

He started to change, first his clothing, then He himself. 

Then Elijah and Moses appeared. 

The apostles didn’t know what to say,

they were taken by surprise. 

Then the cloud came and the voice,

“This is my beloved son.” 

Suddenly everything was over just as suddenly as it began. 

Jesus was standing there

just as they had seen him before. 

But now,

they knew what the future held not only for Jesus

but also for them.

Though they didn’t fully understand it all,

they looked at themselves

and each other

and they realized there was more to their future

then they could imagine. 

They knew that one day they too would shine. 

This world is not all there is for us.

The call of Mt. Tabor to them

and to us

is to trust in the glory that awaits us.

Three mountains — Mt. Moriah; Mt. Calvary; Mt. Tabor. 

The question becomes – Which one do you need to climb this Lent?

Like Abraham,

do you need to climb Mt. Moriah

to finally leave some old gods behind

and finally serve the one true God? 

OR Do you need to climb Mt. Calvary

and realize that salvation comes

only through Jesus Christ

and not from personal self-serving moral interpretations

but looking to Christ

as our key to eternal life? 

OR Do you need to climb Mt. Tabor

and appreciate the glory of Christ that

will one day be ours and that

our faithful Christian Life here

is only the beginning of a glorious future with Christ?

Which one do you personally need to climb? 

Climb any one;

you will find cleaner air, cleaner light,

You will come closer to God

and be deeply changed.

Mt. Moriah  —  Leaving behind the gods of the past.

Mt. Calvary  —  embracing Christ as the only Savior.

Mt. Tabor  —  trusting the glory that will be ours in Christ.

My friends – Which mountain do you need to climb this Lent?

Three Word Sermons

Greetings, Church fans! Below is the text of the homily. As always, you can pick up the whole Mass on the livestream on our Facebook page or just the homily on our YouTube Channel.

I was struck by something the Holy Father said recently:

“Lent is not a time for useless sermons, but for recognizing that our lowly ashes are loved by God.  It is a time of grace; a time for letting God gaze upon us with love and in this way change our lives.” 

Actually, it was the great social commentator, George Burns, who said,

“The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible.”

He may have had Jesus’ first sermon in mind when he said this. It’s a pretty short message in three parts:

       1. “This is the time of fulfillment.

       2. The kingdom of God is at hand.

       3. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

       This three part structure has pretty much been the norm for homiletics ever since. You may recall that the Holy Father always tries to leave us with “three words” in any of his addresses or sermons. So let’s look at each of these briefly.

       1.  It is a heady thing to realize that we are, in fact, living in the time of fulfillment. There are two aspects to what Jesus was talking about. First, Christ proclaims and the Church affirms that all Old Testament prophecies are fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. Second, all previous sacrifices, whether to establish covenants, to forgive sins, to remember or to give thanks, were fulfilled in the one perfect sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. This truly is the time of fulfillment.

       2. Precisely because this is the time of fulfillment, the Kingdom is at hand, both temporally and practically. Too often we look for God in the exotic and mysterious. But to be Catholic is to believe that through the sacraments, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, there is no part of our life, even our worst parts, to which God is not present.

       3. The gospel or “Good News” is that because of his sacrifice on the Cross and because that is so immediately accessible to us in the sacraments, the price for our sins has been paid. The only possible (and necessary) response is gratitude. Belief in the forgiveness of sins leads us to turn away from those very sins and live in the fullness of grace with Christ and each other. 

       This Lent, may we live as people of fulfillment who embrace the Kingdom and return to grace.  

Let us recognize that our lowly ashes are loved by God.  Let us allow God gaze upon us with love and in this way change our lives. 

       1. “This is the time of fulfillment.

       2. The kingdom of God is at hand.

       3. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”